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Visit our surgery center during the week prior to your procedure for a pre-admission interview. Be prepared to provide detailed information regarding past and ongoing treatment of significant cardiac, respiratory or nervous system disease. Our pre-admit nurse will also review discharge instructions with you at this time so that you will know what to expect.
Bring the following items with you to your pre-admission interview:
Photo ID (government-issued)
Insurance Cards
Advance Directives
Guardianship Court Order
Notify your physician or the surgery center if you experience the following:
Illness or injury (new or worsening)
Pregnancy (suspected or confirmed)
Review special instructions given by your physician for the use of certain medications several days prior to your scheduled procedure. If you have questions about these instructions, contact your physician’s office. Failure to follow medication instructions can cause your procedure to be cancelled.
Discuss insulin dosing and blood glucose testing frequency with your physician at least 2 days prior to their procedure if you are insulin-dependent.
If you are scheduled for a colonoscopy, your physician’s office will send a prescription for your colonoscopy prep to your pharmacy. Pick-up your prep from the pharmacy, review instructions provided by your physician’s office, and contact your physician’s office if you have questions or concerns about your colon prep.
Ask a responsible adult to accompany you to the surgery center the day of your procedure and have this person remain with you for at least 12 hours after your procedure.
Your caregiver will be asked to stay in the surgery center during your procedure and, when appropriate, will discuss procedure results and discharge instructions with facility staff. Patients who prefer details of their procedure not be shared with the person accompanying them to the center must inform pre-op staff upon admission.
Arrange for a responsible adult driver to transport you after your procedure. Patients who are given relaxation, sedation, or pain medications for their procedure will not be allowed to drive a motor vehicle following their procedure. Contact your physician’s office to discuss the use of relaxation, sedation, or pain medications for your procedure if you are unsure of their planned use.
Schedule Medicaid or ambulance transportation services, if needed, to correlate with arrival and expected discharge times. Call our center a few days in advance of your procedure to obtain arrival and expected discharge times.
If you are having a procedure other than a colonoscopy, food and fluids are not restricted the day before your procedure until midnight (review THE DAY OF YOUR PROCEDURE section).
If you are scheduled for a colonoscopy procedure, you may not eat food beginning the morning of the day before your procedure. You may consume clear liquids only (see below). Food present in the colon during a colonoscopy can obstruct the physician’s view causing your procedure to be cancelled.
Clear Liquids include:
Plain water
Fruit juices (without pulp)
Broth (bouillon or consommé)
Clear sodas (such as ginger ale and Sprite)
Jell-O Gelatin
Popsicles (without fruit pulp, yogurt or cream)
Tea or coffee (without creamer or milk products)
Colonoscopy Prep
If you are having a colonoscopy, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you complete your colonoscopy prep according to your physician’s instructions. To view a copy of colonoscopy prep instructions, click here.
Unless special instructions are given by your physician, it is important that you take all routine medications on the day before your procedure.
Follow insulin dosing and blood glucose testing frequency the day before your procedure as ordered by your physician if you are insulin-dependent.
Notify your physician if you experience the following:
Illness or injury (new or worsening)
Pregnancy (suspected or confirmed)
Do not eat food after midnight the night before your procedure. Food present in the stomach during a procedure can be aspirated into the lungs and cause serious injury, illness and even death.
Children may not have non-human milk or formula after midnight on the night before their procedure but, may have breast milk up to 5 hours before their scheduled arrival time.
All patients may have clear liquids up to 3 hours before their scheduled arrival time. Clear liquids include:
Plain water
Fruit juices (without pulp)
Broth (bouillon or consommé)
Clear sodas (such as ginger ale and Sprite)
Jell-O Gelatin
Popsicles (without fruit pulp, yogurt or cream)
Tea or coffee (without creamer or milk products)
Colonoscopy Prep
*** IMPORTANT – If you are scheduled for a colonoscopy, DO NOT consume RED fluids prior to your procedure.
Unless special instructions are given by your physician, it is important that you take all routine medications, except for those used to treat diabetes, on the day of your procedure. Oral medications may be taken with a small sip of water.
If you are insulin-dependent, follow your physician’s instructions for insulin dosing and blood glucose testing frequency on procedure day.
Bathe or shower and brush your teeth the morning of your procedure. Do not use perfume, cologne, body powder or lotion. You may apply antiperspirant or deodorant. Nail polish should be removed from fingers and toes.
Dress comfortably in clothing that is easy to take off and put back on. Wear sensible shoes that allow for safe walking.
Remove all body piercings before arriving at the surgery center.
Bring containers for dental appliances, eyewear and contacts. These items must be removed before most procedures.
Leave valuables at home. The center does not offer secure storage and will not assume responsibility for lost or damaged items.
Notify your physician before arriving at the facility if you experience the following:
Illness or injury (new or worsening)
Pregnancy (suspected or confirmed)
Have a responsible adult accompany you to the surgery center the day of your procedure. This person will be asked to stay in the facility during your procedure and, when appropriate, will discuss procedure results and discharge instructions with facility staff. Patients who prefer details of their procedure not be shared with the person accompanying them to the center must inform pre-op staff upon admission.
Following your procedure you will be moved into our recovery area. There you will be closely monitored by our anesthesia and nursing staff. The length of stay varies, but many patients are discharged within 30 minutes of their procedure.
When you are alert, we will bring one individual, usually your designated caregiver, to the recovery area. Our nursing staff will review additional discharge instructions with you and your caregiver during this time. You will be provided with a paper copy of all discharge instructions and follow-up appointment information.
A responsible adult driver must transport you after your procedure. Patients who are given relaxation, sedation, or pain medications for their procedure will not be allowed to drive a motor vehicle following their procedure.